What are those piles of grey sand all about?
by Richard Scott
On one side of Rocky Point’s harbor, you can see a mountain of silty grey sand being loaded into one dump truck after another. What’s going on?
The channel leading into the port is being dredged. Over the years, sand has built up here. It was only a matter of time before this made it difficult for ships to get in and out. You can see the boat doing the work right by the harbor entrance. A black tube takes the sand from the bottom, and send it to dry land where it becomes that mountain.
It’s final resting place, after the trucks drive it across town, is at a sand flats right before the entrance to Las Conchas. For the next week, the work of moving this ‘Fango’ (as it is known locally) will be at night, so as not to interrupt the busy Easter Week boat traffic.
What are those piles of grey sand all about?