What’s happening?
This seems to be the season of disaster. Hurricanes, floods, and fires have effected millions of people throughout the Americas this Summer (today is the first day of Fall, so maybe things will change!).
Mexico was hit with 2 devastating earthquakes in recent days. The most severe, an 8.2 on the Richter Scale, struck exactly on the 32nd anniversary of the 1985 quake that claimed over 10,000 lives. The current death toll stands at 273.
The most public part of the tragedy has been the response of everyday people. Helping non-stop, the citizens of Mexico City have crossed social boundaries to work together. They bring their shovels, cook food for strangers, and form lines to remove fallen walls. Even in driving rain. Even through the night.
Search and Rescue groups to have poured in from around the world too (including from Los Angeles)
Throughout Mexico, seeing this response has given rise to the feeling that the average person may be the one who can, together, fix a lot of the countries issues.
Rocky Point to the rescue.
As in the aftermath of 9/11, where people from around the U.S. sent all kinds of aid, donations are pouring in from all parts Mexico. You may see the words ‘Centro de Acopio’ around town. These are collection centers that have sprung up to accept donated items to help the quake victims.
Local musicians will have an all day performance on Sunday at Shrimp Park to raise funds. Photographers and graphic artists are also having events to assist.
Rocky Point’s social services agency, DIF, has already collected a truck full of items and sent them on their way south.
How can you help?
If you have things to donate, know that most of the Centro de Acopio will give what they have to the local Red Cross. Most tourists already know that the Red Cross, or Cruz Rosa as it is known here, if located on Fremont Blvd. That is the main east west street that runs from the center of town out towards Las Conchas. Go there and you won’t have to search around.
Cruz Rosa will accept donations of physical items, as well as cash donations. You are requested to specify where you want your funds to go (unfortunately there are multiple disasters going on at once!)
Do it online
Amazon.com of Mexico allows you to donate through your account, if you have one. The Red Cross of Mexico is probably your best bet to have an impact when ear marking funds for this effort. We have included there information for online donations.
On the flyer above you will see the account information for the Red Cross of Mexico. Also represented are the Topos. This is a group of search and rescue volunteers famous for their dedication and courage in responding to disasters worldwide. The Topos formed from young people who jumped in to help in the 1985 quake. With no training and at great personal risk, the helped search for people buried in the rubble.
Still a volunteer organization, the are at the forefront of this disaster, and are a worthy choice for your support.
Richard Scott for RockyPoint.COM
Mexico’s Earthquake – How to help.
![Mexico’s Earthquake – How to help.](https://www.rockypoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/FullSizeRender-53.jpg)