Casago Human Resources donates to help kids learn

Casago makes on going efforts to make things a little better in the places where they work and do business. The Reservations and property management company, with branches in the US and in many of Mexico”s most well travelled vacation destinations, takes a special interest in Rocky Point, where the company got started.

This month, staff of the Casago Human Resources department got together to help the AIM program. AIM, Asistencia Integral para Minores, offers Rocky Point school children different kinds of, as needed, to help kids succeed in school.

One of the most basic ways that they help is to provide supplies. This is sometimes a major stumbling block for families that have limited resources.

The Human Resource department took part in providing backpacks and supplies to the program.

Program director Kathleen Duncan heads the program, which also includes a very successful after school homework club. It has been very effective in keeping smart kids motivated to treat their school work as something very important.

Here is a note from Kathleen Duncan about the need for supplies.

HELP CHANGE LIVES WITH SCHOOL SUPPLIES! This next school year our program in Mexico will be supporting almost 600 students from kindergarten through college. One of the educational barriers that many kids in Rocky Point face is lack of resources to purchase the long list of school supplies required to begin the school year. Please consider sponsoring a backpack for one of our students or just making a small donation to help purchase some supplies for a student. Clink GRACIAS!
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