The Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO), in collaboration with the San Diego Zoo, invite Jr. high and high school students from coastal communities in the northern Gulf of California in both Baja California and Sonora to participate in CEDO’s 20th Environmental Contest entitled “Fishing for the future: Ecosystem is the Key.” The goal of the contest is to seek alternatives toward responsible and sustainable fishing in the region while minimizing environmental effects and increasing benefits for local communities.
EquipoDesemboque_2012CEDO’s Environmental Contest, now in its 20th year, were originally held solely in Puerto Peñasco though in 2011 expanded to included other communities in the region. Each year the contest focuses on an environmental topic relevant to the local area by inviting students, along with their teachers, to implement timely steps that contribute to solving certain environmental problems zyban for smoking. Topics have included: water shortages, trash production, climate change, and the protection of essential ecosystems including wetlands and rocky reefs, among others.
This is the third year the Environmental Contest has focused on alternatives in seeking sustainable fishing practices in the region. It is notable this is the first time another organization has joined with CEDO in implementing the contest. The San Diego Zoo, as part of its environmental program “From the Sea to the Mountains”, has found parallels with CEDO’s objectives and together they have decided to strengthen the contest in order to have a larger impact on youth in the region.
Cedo contest for High school kids