TAR Airlines kicks off flights to Rocky Point with low-fare special route to Peñasco from Tijuana.
Rocky Point’s International Airport will receive its first flights from TAR Airlines starting July 21st. Today the airline posted special low introductory fares from Tijuana to Rocky Point for 934 pesos = approx. 50 U.S. dollars! This is in the same ballpark as taking a bus, and around 5 hours shorter.
The new service will connect Rocky Point not only with Tijuana, but also the Sonoran state capitol of Hermosillo and Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua.
A meeting was held in Hermosillo that brought together representatives of the airlines, state tourism officials, travel agencies, and others involved in the state’s tourism industry. The main take away from the attention these flight are receiving, is that state and even federal level support and attention is going into building greater access to Rocky Point.
Aerolineas TAR is a new regional airline in Mexico, going through a phase of route expansion. Find more about them at their website, Tarmexico.com.
Volaris Airlines is also planning flights out of Tijuana to Rocky Point, looking to attract travelers from across Northern Mexico.
It remains to be seen if the proximity of Tijuana’s airport will cause it to be used by vacationers coming from Southern California.