Chevefest Beer Festival, September 17th 2016
‘Cheve’ is slang for cerveza, as in “Una cerveza por favor”. Learn that. It’s all you need to get by at Chevefest 2016.
September 17th is the date for the second celebration of beer the way it’s made in Mexico. And not just the familiar Coronas, XX’s, Tecates, etc. No. Chevefest lets you experience some of the best micro brews around.
Mexico is new to the artisanal brewing scene, but lots and lots of good beers are available. One Rocky Point location where you can find them is El Tapeo.
El Tapeo offers wine, gourmet snacks, live music, and more, just behind the beach as you drive into Playa Bonita RV Resort. Thursday evenings finds Tapeo serving Paella. Pretty rare for Peñasco!
More details are on the way, but as of now September 17th s the date, El Tapeo the place.
Love beer? Check out Chevefest, Sept 17th, 2016