When the motorcycle was a new invention, groups would ride from border to border. Just to see if they could do it! They started a tradition.

Three Flags Classic comes to Rocky Point

For many years, the Southern California Motorcycling Association has been keeping that tradition alive. The SCMA Three Flags Classic bring together US and Canadian riders for a journey through the Western US. Not a race, the route stretches form Abbotsford British Columbia all the way to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico.
The four day event runs from September 1st through 4th. Around 300 bikers are expected to take part.
Most of all, this means that Rocky Point will become more of a destination for bikers. Also, last year’s Rocky Point Rally was one of the best attended ever.
There’s still time to register. Chris White is the contact for SCMA at
or (250) 283-7256