Tequila can do a lot for you. Watching Facebook, I have found that it may help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, heck, even regrow your long lost head of hair. OK, that last one is just wishful thinking.
If you want to find out what Tequila is REALLY all about, come to TequilaSnobs Tequila Tasting Event, Saturday January 27th, 2pm to 4pm at Colin’s Cantina.
Luann Lennox will be your host. Luann was so intrigued when she went to her first Tequila tasting that she dove right in and learned all she could about the amber liquid. Now, she presents her own TequilaSnob events.
For 20 USD you get to savor the rich variety of flavors found in the world of Tequila. Like a good Whiskey, Tequila can be barrel aged to impart a bewildering range of flavors. Sweet to smokey to peppery, you name it. Or it can be pure and clear, distilled to impart only the distinctive Agave taste that is at the heart of Tequila.
“It is always really surprising for people to try some desert Tequilas” says Luann. “We sample pomegranate, chocolate, coffee infused . . . “
No presentation of Mexico’s national drink would be complete without some Sangrita. That is the homemade ‘chaser’ that accompanies Tequila, serving as a palette cleanser. Created by mixing orange and tomato juice, every barkeep worth their salt adds their own secret ingredients. Luann will be presenting her take as well.
Become enamored, not hammered
-10-15 different Tequilas to taste
-Sweet ‘dessert Tequilas too
-Incredible knowledge and instruction all about Tequila
-Learn, who, where, when, how, & why
– Learn folklore and facts about your favorite spirit
-Fill out individual taste sheets
-extra chasers and palate cleansers (cheese, cinnamon, orange) NO training wheels! (salt and lime)
-Two homemade fresh Sangrita Chasers Red and Green
Space fills quickly so book now!
In Rocky Point? Go to Colin’s and pay our favorite bartender, Anna. In the U.S. Call Luann Lennox at 480-251-6497
Tequila Tasting, Colin's Cantina, Sat. Jan. 27th