With the Holiday shopping season in full swing, remember that there is a way to make online purchases that help a charity of your choice.

I shop on the internet. I’m a regular. It’s not something that I did very much even a few years ago. But like a lot of people, the convenience has won me over.
Research shows that consumers now buy more than half of their purchases online. Technology is changing the way that we buy things. Can it also change the way that we give to charity?
Enter Amazon.com. Their new program ties your purchases to a charity that you want to support. Its super easy.
Amazon Smile lets you set up your account so that any time you order something, 05% is donated to a charity of your choice. And it’s paid for by Amazon, not you!
Consider giving your support to Mexico Children’s Foundation. Since 2003, the Foundation has worked to assist children in Mexico who need help dealing with health issues. Usually long term.
That help has ranged from paying for prescriptions, CAT scans, and even transportation to see a specialist in another city. The program has been in place long enough to be a part of many success stories.
You can be a part of more success stories to come! Here’s how.
If you have an Amazon account, log in at smile.amazon.com. All of your account settings will carry over. Select the Mexico Children’s Foundation as your charity. Then, just start shopping. Eligible for Amazon Smile will be seen on the millions of products that qualify.
One cool feature you will see is a running tab of how much your purchases have generated to support kids in Mexico.
Amazon Smile turns giving into an automatic part of online shopping.
The Mexico Children’s Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering assistance in four specific ways.

  1. By providing medical assistance to local families who cannot afford to pay for their children’s health care needs;
  2. By assisting families whose children are in economic duress;
  3. By offering education assistance to children;
  4. Working with area volunteers to provide financial support, access to transportation services, and counseling to access medical care or educational enrichment services. No child left behind!

Children are our future, no matter where they live, or their economic background. We must be there to help them live their dreams. Steve Schwab
Want to learn more?
Mexico Children’s Foundation
Amazon Smile